Slides & Materials
Razvan Pascanu, Introduction to Deep Learning [pdf]
Doina Precup, Introduction to Reinforcement Learning part I [pdf]
Doina Precup, Introduction to Reinforcement Learning part II [pdf]
Diana Borsa, RL practical session [pdf]
Dmitry Vetrov, Bayesian Learning [pdf]
Shimon Whiteson, Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning [pdf]
Andrew Zisserman, Self-supervised learning [pdf]
Marius Leordeanu, Keynote on behalf of the hosts [ppt]
Antoine Bordes, Machine Reading and Question Answering [ppt]
Razvan Pascanu, From RNNs to Transformer [pdf]
Anca Dragan, RL/Planning + Humans [pdf]
Tinne Tuytelaars, Continual Learning [pdf]
Mihaela Rosca, Unsupervised practical session [pdf]
Viorica Patraucean, Computer Vision practical session [pdf]
School logos and poster
Previous editions
The first edition of the school was organised under the name Transylvanian Machine Learning Summer School (TMLSS), webpage
Lab materials from the previous edition can be found here.
Report on the motivation, description, and outcome of TMLSS.